Qbebot 4 Students


Bill of Materials

  1. 4mm thick plywood
  2. glue for wood
  3. No.11 screws 3mm thick, 10mm long



  1. circular saw or hacksaw
  2. drill
  3. holesaw
  4. drill bit 2mm
  5. screwdriver



Below you can see the simplified layout of QBEBOT, ready to be worked using only a saw and a drill. It's not necessary a particulary skill and can be built in a classroom.



Six steps

Follow these seven steps to build it:

  1. Buy four squares of 4mm thick plywood at your local Brico Center.
  2. Make a 4cm hole at the center of each square with a hole saw. You can make the hole in one shot by overlapping the four pieces (steps 2-3-4).
  3. Make all 2mm hole on top and bottom squares.
  4. Make a 4mm cut from one border to the center of central hole.
  5. Make all other perimetrals cuts.
  6. Mount the frame following the photo example (his father Easybot) using glue and/or 3mm x 10mm screws.

Paint all with your preferred color (spray or brush), if you want. Light colors are best.


The Father

This is a photo of first handmade frame (Easybot, built on April 11, 2010) that is a more complicated form and less easy to build.




  Licenza Creative Commons
Quest'opera di Domenico M. aka greybear è distribuita con Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Condividi allo stesso modo 4.0 Internazionale.
Based on a work at http://qbebot.net.
Permessi ulteriori rispetto alle finalità della presente licenza possono essere disponibili presso madouno@gmail.com.